
Thursday, September 17, 2015

Make Your Own Casket – Compelling Reasons To Do So
Planning your own funeral may sound absurd to many people but getting involved on this issue while you are very much alive is a considerate act and a great manifestation of your love. You know how emotional and difficult it is to lose someone. By preparing for all the arrangements you want on your funeral, you can lighten the burdens of your and friends. You are also freeing them from the responsibilities that could prevent them from grieving properly.

Here are 3 other reasons why you should think about making your own casket.

It will allow you to go with your style preference.

When you make your own coffin, you are in control of the style. There are design themes you can choose from or you can customize the design using your memorable photos. Moreover, you decrease the possibility of anybody questioning or criticizing the family member assigned to choose your coffin style.

You get to control the cost.

The last thing you want is to leave financial burden to your family. When you make your own casket, you would know how much it will cost you. You can establish your budget based on your style preferences. With handmade coffins or handmade caskets, you are able to choose the materials as well as the amount of work that goes into it. If you make your own casket now, you are at a great advantage as materials and labor increase over time.

Your handmade coffins can be kept for family use.

Know that more people prefer to be cremated these days. This means few would need coffins in the future. Given the high cost of funeral arrangements in the future, opt to make your own casket now as this seems to be  practical. Go for a design that would represent your family and keep these caskets for future use.

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